Getting To Know Me: The Early Years
7 years ago
I am a father of six "busy" children. In cyberspace I am known as "CWG" I passionately pursue biblical truth and desire to walk others in that truth. I love going for coffee, (Tim Horton's double double). I enjoy hockey, Calgary flames are my fave. My desire here is to upload my thoughts from my mind to some place in the cyber world, and hopefully you will be edified and encouraged as I share the things that I am learning and processing.
I jumped in my seat when I heard the lightening. What hit me was seeing all those who were left. "Church people", people who were at a christian seminar, people who thought they were "Safe". Takes a whole lot more of us than just going through the motions.
I love the drama of it, and even if I don't really go for the Pre position rapture, a truck at an intersection can have the same jarring effect.
Interesting what people are finding on YouTube, I might have to check it out.
I jumped too. wasn't ecpecting it even tho he said, "He could come right now...." and even tho the video was called, "rapture"
Makes me think that we could not be alert, even tho we think we are.
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