Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Managing can be a simple process

I was praying last night and thinking upon managing. Most places that you seek for management speak of financial matters. This is good but I am seeking out the entirety of management. So I took that to God last night and he started speaking to my heart. He was saying that managing is in the everyday task and it involves the other area's of scripture that deal with families. For instance, The bible asks me to love my wife better than myself, Am I doing that? It says for husbands to wash their wives in the word. Am I doing that. It says to not exasperate your children. Am I working on that. Basically God was leading me to the greater parts of the bible that are all tied to family management. I also believe that the biblical description of a man's role and the woman's role are key to proper management. He was showing me the bigger picture I think. Basically saying. "You see Darcy you are focussing on one word, where I am focussing on a theme. It is the character issues in your life that I need to work on as these are the area's that you will see growth in. It is also in these things that you will begin to mange well"
So now I will go to the word of God and seek out his truths in regards to the family unit and where my duties/responsibilities fit.


Brad the Dad said...

Wow that seems to be a bit heavy, eh? On a moment to moment basis it becomes manageable though, don't you think? Good practical posts, dude.

Brad the Dad said...

Nice change here. Are you payin' for space now or is this all possible via the right templates? I am really wanting to expand my blogging knowledge.

CWG said...

Accually it is on your templates tab. There is an option to pick a new template. When you click it you get redirected to where you can grab some templates. The other stuff I just fooled around with (till 4 am last night) until I found some stuff that looked kinda cool.

Lani - the flowerlady said...

Okay man, you're getting way to fancy for me now! Music even! You're pretty amazing! REally, I'm just jealous. Note my techno-idiot entry!! I want to manage my site better and send people who read to other wonderful sites such as yours!