I have been contemplating discipleship and it's simplicity. I recently read a book called "Cultivating a life for God" By Neil Cole. It talks about the benefit of having groups of two or three. Based on the scripture, "Where two or three are gathered there I will be also" After the groups grow to four, they split down into two again.
In his book Neil Cole talks about Major bible reading with accountability questions each week. (Confess your sins one to another so that you may be healed) He recommends 25-30 chapters per week. And that each person reads the same amount. He also recommends that no one moves on until everyone has read the required reading. In these groups, they each pick two non Christian friends and they write their names down a a bookmark and they commit to praying for these people each day. The fruit that has come from this is amazing. he recommends that people do these groups with either non Christians, 'fresh Christians', or Christians that are struggling in their walk with God. He bases this on the parable of the sower. Sowing into fertile soil. I want to try this out and test it out for myself. It seems to be so simple. Neil Cole talks about how a brand new Christian can start a new group as you are simply reading the scriptures and meeting every week to ask some very key accountability questions.
This is so cool because it allows God to speak into a seekers life. It allows the spirit of God to move freely to teach a new believer about who he is and what he is about. Neil talks about being bathed in the word, not so much studying it but allowing the spirit of God to penetrate the heart of the reader and teach them.
One of the accountability questions asks if you have testified to the greatness of Jesus Christ in either action or with words. I thought that this was cool because He isn't asking us if we shared the gospel with someone or shared the four spiritual laws. It is simply "did you demonstrate the greatness of Christ" now that is exciting. Wouldn't it be cool if one person decided to do this with one seeker or new Christian, and they in turn started a new group. People would grow so quickly and with such a strong biblical foundation, I think that it would blow our socks off. I for one desire to pursue this and see what the fruit that God produces could possibly look like.
Getting To Know Me: The Early Years
7 years ago
wow, sounds amazing!
I too am interested in something like this, we'll see where God takes it.
Yeah, that it such a cool thing, demonstrating God's greatness.... very cool. Another good one would be witnessing God's greatness around us. I've been finding in the last few weeks, my eyes and heart have been very in tune and alert to His greatness around me, and my faith is being built, from the smallest things (but I know they're not small). I was just saying to my hubby last night, (there's this situation going on that we need to be very cautious of, and walk in extreme wisdom in) that regarding the situation we're walking in, we need not forget or grow hard to the fact that we are witnessing amazing things, and we need to allow our faith to recieve that.
BTW, we should get together for another lunch-in sometime, what do you guys think?
That sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe come for supper and we can fire up the fire pit and roast something.
We'll talk
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