My wife is an amazing woman. She has so many attributes and skills that I want to bring attention to. She has chosen to be a stay at home mom and has obtained skills that would kill any resume. She is a Meal planner, nurse, counselor, comforter, policewomen, judge (settles unsettled disputes), wardrobe consultant, budget and financial planner, schedule planner, teacher, tutor, spiritual adviser, nursery worker, seamstress, cook, maid, linguistics expert, specializes in the dialect of two year olds, maintains proper home environment. To me she is my confidant, companion, lover, adviser, encourager, partner, comforter, hostess, entertainer. For our community she is a neighbor, a counselor a freind, a caregiver. I love her to bits. My world would be a lonely place without her.
Getting To Know Me: The Early Years
7 years ago
aw!!!! that is so amazing!!! I love your wife too : ) she is awesome!
I love the one about understanding two-year old dialect. haha, yes, that is a skill only mother's have.
That's awesome! After the women's retreat and watching her with Lynae, I was thinking about what a great mom she is. She really is a good mom.
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